
When the team is everything

Being able to unleash more and more creative energies is the real challenge we want to overcome today. Our goal is to create an increasingly smart and interconnected business culture in line with the requirements of Industry 4.0-this is the linchpin of our strategy and a cornerstone of our social responsibility.

Hence our commitment to supporting a management model based on engagement and trust between management and employees, both through ongoing training and through climate and management evaluation systems that involve all workers.

We place great emphasis on monitoring everyone's well-being in the workplace by creating a climate of openness, listening and trust.


+ Occupational health and safety (material topic)
+ Dissemination and growth of a sustainable culture  (material topic)
+ Gender equality
+ Digital culture
+ Enhance skills and wellbeing





From health to wellbeing

The wellbeing of our employees is at the heart of our social policies.

The Smart Factory at Solaro relieves workers of many repetitive tasks, raising the overall standard of ergonomics quality at each workstation.

We also understand that our lifestyle directly affects our wellbeing. Therefore, we decided to help our employees take care of themselves by launching the SEWellness project. This project includes sports courses, focusing on posture exercises and functional training, held at our Solaro headquarters.


For our commercial offices across Italy, we have partnered with a provider that gives us access to an online training platform. Additionally, employees can consult with nutritionists to create personalized diet plans.

Skills for a changing world

To ensure our workforce is adequately trained to meet the challenges of both our business and the market, we implement an annual employee training plan tailored to the specific training needs defined annually by each department through periodic performance evaluations and professional growth assessments. This comprehensive approach involves 100% employee participation in skills development and professional growth.


Remote working and home-work commute plan

We have embraced remote working since 2017, aiming to foster a corporate culture grounded in shared responsibility and transparent performance assessment.

Aware of the impacts arising from business activities, and from the home-work commute, we have extended the authorization for remote working up to three days a week.

We have implemented various solutions to reduce home-work commutes. Key actions include encouraging online meetings to reduce travel, promoting the use of public transport for long trips, the purchase of two electric shuttle cars and providing a laundry service with pick-up and drop-off at the office twice a week.



Female empowerment

Another mainstay of internal training is the ambitious programme we have launched for the empowerment of the female population. One interesting aspect of this is the participation of management in the first place, who have become aware of the importance of not falling into gender stereotypes when exercising their leadership. The next step of this initiative, which will be implemented in 2023, will be raising the same awareness in all female staff members to empower their own development potential.


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CTA Finale-En
➡️REPORT 2021                                                                    ➡️SINTESI 2021
 ➡️REPORT 2022                                                                   ➡️SINTESI 2022