For a company that seeks to meet today's challenges, ethics and a transparent organisation go far beyond mere legal compliance. They are the bedrock of good corporate governance, the first step towards being able to formulate and develop a sustainable corporate strategy, incorporating all ESG factors.
This is why we have a solid governance structure, a code of ethics and governance and control instruments that allow for optimal management of the company and related risks.
+ Ethics and transparency in the business - material topic
+ Presence, application and dissemination of the Code of Ethics
+ Market presence
+ Economic performance
Our Code of Ethics is an instrument of social responsibility, is intended as a guide for company conduct, and is an essential element of the company’s internal control system.
All new recruits receive training about the Code of Ethics, to ensure that 100% of employees are trained.
+ Compliance with legislation
+ Management culture
+ Human rights
+ Workers' rights
+ Health & Safety
+ Cooperation and respect to counter any form of discrimination
+ Environmental protection
+ Compliance with tax obligations
+ Respect for the free market and competition
+ Rejection of any form of corruption
+ Traceability and transparency of commercial agreements
+ Restrictions on gifts and invitations
+ Attention to conflict of interest
+ Confidentiality and data protection
In terms of sustainability, top management is fully involved: the Core Team, which is the first line of management and includes the three delegates from SEW-EURODRIVE Italia, actively participates in the entire sustainability reporting process.
There are frequent communications between the Italian sustainability team and the parent company, ensuring that any critical issues are promptly brought to the attention of the Board of Directors.
The economic value we generate is the main indicator of the financial sustainability of our business - it is proof of the soundness of our growth strategies and the efficacy, efficiency and cost-effectiveness of our management.
The share of distributed value, on the other hand, represents our company's ability to share these resources with the entire system, with particular reference to some of the main stakeholder categories (employees, lenders, shareholders, public administration and the community). Over the last three years, since we began the reporting process, the value we have generated has increased by 23.4% compared to 2021 (by 2.8% compared to 2022)