A business challenged by technological innovation and sustainability

The manufacturing environment has been rapidly changing, with an increasing focus on flexibility and efficiency. The digital transformation process in modern smart factories is driving the end user towards a data-driven approach, where data is the crucial factor in decision-making.

The shift of interest towards innovative integrated systems has required a complete redesign of the production process, making it customer-centric and using automation technology to support the worker.

 Automation must be able to meet criteria of digitisation, flexibility, interoperability, and therefore communication between machine and machine and between machine and management systems.

Our business model must provide a solid response to new market needs.

In particular, we are focusing more and more on customer service, tapping into the needs of end users who, in turn, influence the technological choices of industrial machine manufacturers.

The evolution and technological innovation of our automation solutions are intended to contribute to bringing sustainability to both the company and the end customers.

It is clear that the smart factory resulting from these conditions must be increasingly Smart, Green and Digital, thanks also to the optimisation of the entire production process, which has a major impact on reducing energy consumption and return on investment times for end users.


+ Assessing the environmental and human impact of products (material topic)
+ Product and process research and innovation
+ Mechanical and electrical quality of products; Product conformity and safety; Sustainable service




+ Sustainable supply chain assessment





All the mechanical and electronic products for automation solutions for use in the industrial sector have the main certifications:




Sustainable innovation

Our technologies and automation solutions:
-    meet the highest quality standards;
-    ensure maximum safety and energy efficiency;
-    reduce impact on the environment without compromising production performance or human safety. 

Our maintenance services and servitisation solutions:
-    follow continuous improvement processes; 
-    are developed to meet the specific needs of our customers. 

Life extension 
We have developed MOVI-C®, a digitized automation platform that combines all the new requirements of manufacturers and manufacturing industries and integrates the latest technologies, providing:

1 hardware components for machine automation solutions or the implementation of AGVs, autonomous guided vehicles for intralogistics handling;
2 software solutions for engineering and for managing the entire lifecycle of automation components, with a data-driven approach to machine and plant management. 




With MOVI-C® we can implement automation solutions for machine automation, factory automation and cross-cutting systems for material handling. 

MOVI-C®  uses the DriveRadar® as-a-service software platform that offers two types of services: 
IoT App, designed for mobile devices and made available to local machine maintainers for on-site condition analysis;
IoT Suite (Cloud Based) designed for Plant Managers who must be able to oversee the correct operation of the entire production plant and be able to predict a possible failure of a machine component in order to avoid a sudden plant shutdown.


Energy efficiency
The intelligent energy management system Power and Energy Solution (PE-S), based on MOVI-C® also represents an important evolution: the regenerative energy recovery of electric motors takes place within storage based on high energy density super capacitors, significantly reducing the energy absorption and consequent CO2 production of automation applications, all of which results in lower plant operating costs, greater production and environmental sustainability and, last but not least, the availability of the plant itself.
The use of production drives in the IE5 high-performance energy class allows further energy-saving advantages.






SEW-EURODRIVE Italy's Service has created a number of internal processes designed in line with the principles of the circular economy with goals that can be traced back to the 3 Rs:

Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

Specifically, there are two major projects.

Product remanufacturing: which consists of the complete maintenance of the mechanical parts inside the gearbox and electric motor, replacing the parts subject to the most wear and tear, in order to extend the life and reliability of the component, which regains like-new performance.

End-of-life product recycling: which consists of recovering the valuable raw materials contained in the electric motor. A special machine (motor splitter) enables us to recover the copper in the stator and rotor of electric motors, as well as the aluminium that makes up the casing. This allows us to recycle the raw materials which are then treated appropriately and reused for new products.

In addition, to monitor the health of SEW or third-party gearmotors, through the installation of wireless sensors directly on the gearbox, the actual oil life, working temperature, and vibration data can be managed and monitored through APPredict, SEW-EURODRIVE's web App that makes condition monitoring and maintenance interventions easier and more efficient.

The reuse process is also important at SEW Eurodrive - whole products or single internal components that have not yet become waste can be reused. The service department uses a special sandblasting machine to recover the still intact gearbox casings.

In addition, in close cooperation with the factories in Graben, Haguenau and Brumath, Product Support and Release Management is in charge of developing reuse and recycling processes for the motor brake assemblies as well, so that the brake body and copper coil can be fully recovered.

We also pursue sustainability in the coating processes. 93% of the products and preparations for the coating processes are water-based.


Supply chain

In our sustainable growth process, suppliers play a pivotal role as integral parts of our production and organizational processes. It is essential that they align with our goals and strategic direction.

Our goal is to cultivate transparent, robust relationships that generate value over the short and long term.

Engaging suppliers in our sustainability goals impacts positively not only the economic resultas, but the whole ecosystem.

We have declared our goal to approach Net Zero by 2030. To achieve this, we have begun raising awareness among our suppliers and collecting data on their Scope 3 emissions. These aspects are now integrated into our supplier qualification and evaluation process.


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CTA Finale-En
➡️REPORT 2021                                                                    ➡️SINTESI 2021
 ➡️REPORT 2022                                                                   ➡️SINTESI 2022